Monday, October 26, 2009

My Treasure. I love u guys deeply~

For you all make it sure to be with me,Even during wee hours of the day
Our lives are sometimes filled with laughter,
But when grief, troubles or even despairs strike us,
The best things to take away all these pain,
Is friends like you all who truly cares,
We just sit, type and read between lines,
Exchanging views, feelings and emotions
We all have our own problems,Always needing somebody to share with
My thoughts are for friends like all of you,Who give inspirations and precious effort,
Making my day even brighter.
To appreciate all things as they come,
If I could give you all a falling star,I would do it just for you guys,
To share its beauty and glory,Together enjoying the splendor of nature
The answer is true and very simple,Though we don’t see each other’s faces
The Lord gave me a great Gift,
A truly sincere friends indeed.